Study tour CREA Santa Isabel, Argentina

From June 2nd to June 8th, 2019 a group of ten Argentinean agribusiness companies, known as CREA Santa Isabel, toured throughout the Netherlands. In Argentina this CREA group is part of a larger national organization called AACREA, which is a network of similar agribusiness groups. CREA Santa Isabel was formed over 50 years ago and is based on the need for cooperation to expand and share technological advances in agriculture and livestock production and its businesses. Together the group farms on 500,000 – 600,000 hectares of land in several regions in Argentina and in neighboring countries. Annually it produces around 2 million tons of wheat, corn and soybeans and herds around 100,000 cattle.


HollandDoor prepared a 6-day program during which the group was introduced to important topics like regenerative farming, climate smart agriculture, water management, precision farming, cattle genetics, feed and feed additives development. They were also among the first visitors of the floating dairy farm in Rotterdam harbor! The participants were particularly impressed by the way Dutch farmers, organizations and government work together to tackle problems that transcend the individual interest of a farmer or organization. Instead of only talking about the problems, as they do in Argentina, the Dutch are really working on solutions!


The CREA delegation returned with lots of new energy and ideas to take back to Argentina, where they are planning to put those ideas into practice. They have learned that you can also start with a small group if you want to change things and that you don’t have to wait for the government or other organizations to take action. 


Are you also interested in getting new ideas and energy from the knowledge and developments in Dutch agriculture? Then feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss the possibilities.


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