UTZ (www.utz.org), who is known for its ongoing efforts to make this world more sustainable, requested HollandDoor to organize an inspiring visit to a high-tech Dutch greenhouse. The objective of this visit was to get about 35 UTZ country representatives, who are directly in contact with farmers of coffee, tea and cacao, acqainted with high-tech greenhouse production facilities of vegetables. Proposed result was to trigger the minds of UTZ employees to think of new strategies to optimize production systems and connected processes at UTZ certified farms.
As part of the UTZ Global meeting in Amsterdam, HollandDoor organized a tailor-made study tour to Duijnisveld Sweet Pepper in Nieuwveen, on Saturday 23 January 2016. The morning started with an opening seminar by Niek Botden about the current global agro challenges. After which Ruud and Wendy Duijnisveld gave a tour on their company during which they explained and showed in detail how a Dutch high-tech sweet pepper greenhouse works. Themes like plant physiology, production, logistics and marketing, energy, irrigation, fertigation, hydroponics and recirculation of water and nutrients, biological pest control and labor matters were discussed in detail.
The UTZ participants were impressed by the technology and the company’s working procedures which resulted in interesting discussions about conversion and implementation possibilities in daily and future global UTZ certified farms. The morning was completed with a nice lunch in Nieuwveen.
HollandDoor wants to thank Duijnisveld for their hospitality.
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