Czech group of farmers learn about Green Circles

In June a group of 23 farmers from the Association of Private Farming of the Czech Republic visited the Green Heart in the Netherlands. This was made possible by the Agricultural Council of Poland. The farmers wanted to learn more about the “Green Circle” project. This project has been set up by Heineken, the province of South-Holland, Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland, Wageningen Environmental Research and Naturalis Biodiversity Center. The project takes nature as the starting point and realises programs dealing with energy, water, mobility, the earth’s resources and the environment. Topics covered were underwater drainage and water level, nature management and biodiversity, CO2 capture and cooperation with various parties.


In the morning the group visited a dairy farm with 220 cows. The farmer is actively involved in underwater drainage and controlling water levels. During this visit, Teus Verhoeff from PPP Agro informed the visitors about the origin of the peat meadow area and how underwater drainage is applied in the fields in this area.


In the afternoon they visited the peat meadow innovation center (VIC) in Zegveld. After an introduction, parts of various projects could be seen outside. The projects focus on grazing, wet crops, herb-rich grass and peat, fertilization and mineralization.


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